Hi everybody !

I have recently checked in lots of changes.  These are mostly
code conventions fixes.  Let me explain.

I've started to add checkstyle and pmd checks at build time.
For those who do not know these tools, checkstyle
(http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/) enforces
code conventions (braces, spaces, etc ...), while PMD
(http://pmd.sourceforge.net/) checks for possible bugs.

These tools are configured in the new parent module
which all other modules should inherit directly or indirectly
when they pass these checks (the buid fails if these checks
do not pass).

Currently, only the serviceengines module inherit from parent
so any help to migrate the other modules is welcome :-)
The goal is to have all modules (core, common, deployables mainly)
inherit from parent.

Btw, thanks to the CXF team which did that a few months ago,
and where I borrowed the configuration and all ...

Guillaume Nodet
Principal Engineer, IONA
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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