On Apr 12, 2007, at 8:02 AM, Anita Kulshreshtha wrote:

  I had raised this issue earlier:
http://www.nabble.com/Can-RMI-Naming-Port-be-1099-- tf3454855s134.html#a9638251
   I have not found a satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon...
Does anyone have any ideas?

Hi Anita,
I think we need a bit more information.

From our IRC conversation, it sounds like port 1099 needs to call to LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port)

Assume the following server instances on the same box:

Server instance A with RMIRegistryService port set to 1079
Server instance B with RMIRegistryService port set to 1089
Server instance C with RMIRegistryService port defaulted to 1099

Server A is started. The server will start listening on port 1079, but will also temporarily start a server socket on port 1099.
Server C is started. The server will start listening on port 1099.
Server B cannot start. It get's an error trying to bind to port 1099.

Is that accurate?

As I mentioned earlier on IRC, I think we need to change the default port back to 1099. We can then work on getting this problem resolved...



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