Cool shtuffes ... your a busy beaver.

On Jun 7, 2007, at 6:52 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

So, I hacked up something in the latest 1.0-beta-2-SNAPSHOT of the selenium-maven-plugin. Its deployed, and some site docs updated. headless-with-xvfb.html

Still needs more meat, but I wanna make sure it works before I start investing in more docs.

But basically, you need to configure an execution *before* start- server, for xvfb. It will be default background, etc. See the goal doc for more details:

Currently it will default to using DISPLAY=":1", not sure if that is correct or not. Then it will fork an Xvfb process, write out a target/selenium/ file, which has the DISPLAY= in it. And I updated the start-server goal to look for that file, and if it exists set environment variables for each key/pair in that file.

I think that should be sufficient to get headless muck working... though I've not tested any of it ;-)

I think you will need to make the Xvfb process suid, as in:

    chmod u+s `which Xvfb`

This puppy needs to be run as root, or at least AFAIK it does.

Anyways, give it a shot and lemme know how well it works, or if it works at all. I will be around tomorrow to fix it up as needed. Maybe my network will be stable then so I can run some tests on the systems and better see how well it works out.




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