
I've been an advocate of this approach as well so thanks for taking the initiative on this. I'll take a look at what you've done later today.

There are probably a few issues we'll need to consider if we take this "plugin" approach - splitting the console components from the underlying portal infrastructure: - Uniformity between various portal implementations for how to define portlet page content, theme/skin definition, and any portal extensions that we may use. - Plugin dependencies based upon type - ie. the admin console plugin would have a pre-req on a "portal" plugin but not necessarily a particular "portal" plugin if we can pull manage to pull off this separation.

Perhaps I'm taking this a bit farther than you intended at the moment. We could certainly just split these components for now and have the admin console tightly dependent upon a Pluto component. That does provide some benefits such as in allowing a user to choose the portal without the admin console and allowing the user to integrate their own portlets with Geronimo admin functions. That's a good step forward. Greater flexibility would be in allowing the user to choose the portal they wish to use but I think this would require more portal standards that do not yet exist.

Thanks for taking the first step here!


Paul McMahan wrote:
We have talked about upgrading the admin console to use a more recent version of pluto. Now that geronimo 2.0 has taken shape I took a look at pluto 1.2 and found that it has a lot of new features that we should take advantage of, including the ability to make our admin console more dynamic and customizable. It is not backwards compatible with the version that we currently use so we can't just swap in the jars. But that's OK since I think our goal to make the admin console more dynamic probably warrants a bit of redesign anyway. I just committed some stuff to sandbox that demonstrates one technique for integrating pluto into geronimo, and I think it can serve as the basis for a more dynamic admin console as well. You can try it out by following these steps:

svn co
cd portals
geronimo/bin/ install-plugin pluto-container/target/ geronimo/bin/ deploy pluto-portal/target/pluto-portal-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
geronimo/bin/ deploy pluto-testsuite/target/pluto-testsuite.war
point your browser at http://localhost:8080/pluto/portal

This works in the minimal or jee5 assemblies, but right now it only supports tomcat because the <cross-context> setting is required in geronimo-web.xml. I was hoping to avoid a separate jetty module just for that setting, but maybe that's unavoidable. The maven related stuff could probably use some tuning as well.

While working on this it occurred to me that we could consider providing a native general purpose portal in geronimo, and the admin console as we know it today could just be a collection of portlets deployed into it that are only visible to users with sufficient admin privileges. The stuff in sandbox could also help us move things in that direction if we like that idea. Thoughts?

Best wishes,

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