On Jun 15, 2007, at 3:24 AM, Jason Dillon wrote:

I think that in general we need to go through some serious logging reform. IMO logging is critical and right now I think the state of logging in G is a mess. I would like to see more effort put into making logging more consistent and provide better user tools to control the servers logging as well as application logging.

I totally agree. Was thinking the same thing last night... IMO, fixing this problem goes a long way towards addressing Matt's concerns... In most cases, it's *lack* of information that inhibits diagnosis, not how the information is presented...

Some general architecture/standardization is needed on logging format (including Thread ids, etc -- start to address some of Matt's concerns). Followed by a concerted effort to redo/introduce logging into the majority of Geronimo's components.

And, I think we should seriously consider using SLF4J ( http:// www.slf4j.org/ ) and drop JCL.

Can't say that I'm super motivated to move off of JCL, but I'm not averse to it, either...


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