I pick up the OSGI point.
I'm currently experimenting with OSGi as a container for ServiceMix (and
ActiveMQ, CXF, etc ...).
I have done a few experiments using felix and creating a few bundles (rmi
registry, jmx server, transaction manger, etc ...)
But I haven't seen much discussion about that.

Are you talking about throwing gbeans and using OSGi as the basis for
Geronimo instead ?

On 6/21/07, Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We've gone through the CTS grind and came out victorious http://

OpenEJB has moved to TopLevel and CXF has certified and Axis 2 is
working that way too.

All in all its been an excellent six months.

So, what are we going to do for 2.0 and getting it out the door?

Here are my thoughts and we can use this thread to gather everyone
else's and come to a consensus.

2.0 Ship Criteria
Date:  mid to end of July (a target only...depends on content)

Certified Assemblies
Tomcat, Axis 2 and OpenJPA
Jetty, CXF and OpenJPA

Other assemblies would be the minimal assemblies but cert doesn't
apply to them.

Work on fit and finish stuff (cleaning up error messages, improving
diagnostics, reducing footprint).

Personally, I'd like to see the full G have a footprint of about 40MB
(that's a little over 5MB larger than 1.1.1) and Minimal be around
20MB.  Need to do some research on this (volunteers?)

I'm not sure how the WADI clustering presents itself across the two
different assemblies (Gianny, comments?)

Post 2.0 Items

What to do about OSGi?  Seems like there has been discussion but no
real movement in this area.
Flexible Server (there has been some discussion on the list about
allowing users without a PhD in G to create their own custom assemblies.
Would be neat to Create a minimal assemblie that included ServiceMix
for a lightweight ESB endpoint
Better monitoring and diagnosis


Guillaume Nodet
Principal Engineer, IONA
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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