On Jun 29, 2007, at 3:11 AM, Manu George wrote:

> Some of the questions we have are:
> 1. Should we use this plugin approach and host the plugin separatley
> or intergrate Tuscany to be bundled as part of the Geronimo
> distribution?

The plugin approach looks OK to me, but maybe somebody from the Geronimo
project could give a more educated opinion?

I believe we can start with a plugin approach but if we run into some
problems with implementation as a plugin then probably we can think of
full fledged integration.
Can someone from the Geronimo community with expertise here, please
give their opinions on this.

Implementing as a plugin should not affect the technical design of this component. I don't know of anything you can do in a component integrated into Geronimo at assembly time that you cannot do in a plugin integrated after installation. A plugin is really just a component that has been preconfigured for rapid deployment and dependency downloading. It's a packaging decision.

IMO new components created for Geronimo that are not required by the JEE specification should be implemented as plugins. This is a rule of thumb, and in some cases there may be justification for an exception. Like for example if we believed that almost every Geronimo user will need SOA then we should discuss "full fledged integration". Another type of exception would be if we think that the component would provide useful services to Geronimo's native components.

Best wishes,

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