I think this is a very important issue and I apologize for letting it slide under my radar. I still don't know enough about openejb3 to know how to fix it myself. I guess I think the release notes for 2.0 should include a warning saying that use of the offline deployer for ejb apps is not advised.

It's pretty easy to see why activemq is being started:

openejb-deployer needed to deploy your ejb app
openejb-deployer requires openejb (runtime) to be running in order to work (this is the problem) openejb requires activemq (I imagine this is basically for convenience, but I don't actually know how tied openejb is to a particular jms implementation (amq))

thanks for bringing this up again.

david jencks

On Aug 3, 2007, at 12:07 PM, toby cabot wrote:

On Sat, Feb 10, 2007 at 03:02:54PM -0800, David Jencks wrote:
Previously we went to a lot of trouble to make sure that every bit of
deployment code ran without any runtime components started.  I would
like to know if this new dependency is intentional, and essential.  I
don't think we should introduce such a very large change in
philosophy about the geronimo server architecture without discussion.

Hi folks,

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I was curious what's up with
this.  I just got a spiffy new PC which led to some poking around in
the offline deployer code to find out why there's 10s of "dead air"
everytime I run an offline deployment command.  Turns out that it's in
the active MQ code - there are two connections and for some reason
each connection shutdown sits for ~5s.

But that leads to a different question, which is why does the offline
deployer tool start active MQ?  I found that when the
OfflineDeployerStarter.startPersistentOfflineConfigurations() method
starts the "openejb-deployer" config a whole mess of other things
start, including active MQ.

This is where I start to lose the trail.  In the openejb-deployer
there are some module/gbean/xml-attribute/environment/dependencies,
which in this case are openejb, openejb-core, geronimo-openejb, and
system-database, but I don't see active MQ.  Is active MQ a dependency
of one of these dependencies?

I guess that offline deployment isn't a popular feature so I don't
expect this to be a high priority issue but I think there was
consensus back in February that this should be fixed before the thread
went cold.  I'll help if I can, but I'm at the limits of my Geronimo
knowledge so pointers would be appreciated.


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