Good catch Donald. Can you please throw in a small test(s) in our
testsuite framework so that we can catch things like this ? There are
a lot of tests there already that can act as a template/example and
help you with your testcase.

Let me know if you need more help.


On 8/13/07, Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matt Hogstrom wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > Earlier today one of the Geronimo committers discovered a bug in the
> > command line deployer where a null user / password on the deployer
> > command line will allow a user to deploy modules to a 2.0 server.  This
> > is an unacceptable security exposure and as such we have abandoned the
> > release of Geronimo 2.0.
> >
> > Donald Woods is going to open a JIRA for this issue and Hernan will
> > create a news item on our web page.
> GERONIMO-3404 was opened for this.
> >
> > At this point we need to discuss how to move forward with a 2.0 release.
> >
> > I think we should delete the tags/2.0.0 entry and replace it with a text
> > file that notes the svn rev of the tree before deletion.  The purpose of
> > this is to avoid anyone from picking up that source tree and using it to
> > build a server with a known security exposure.  Unless there is
> > disagreement I'd like to do that tomorrow allowing some time for
> > discussion.  We can always put it back.
> >
> > There are several options for the 2.0 release:
> >
> > 1. Use the branches/2.0 to spin up a new release as 2.0.1.
> >   If we do this there are a number of fixes that need to be verified,
> > We'd need to close out the SNAPSHOT releases again, or at least revisit
> > them.
> >   Respin and re-tck a new release.
> >
> > 2. Take the tags/2.0.0 to create a branches/2.0.1
> >   This would mean that we need to update branches/2.0 to 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT
> >   Copy the existing tag over and apply the security fixes.  Repsin and
> > release.
> >
> > Personally, I vote for option 2.  Based on my experience, closing out
> > the SNAPSHOTs is and introducing little changes will cause us to restart
> > the release process.
> +1 on option #2.
> >
> > I'd like to hear other people's input but having done the release
> > several times option 2 is the fastest.  I think option 1 will cause us
> > to not release until September.
> >
> >

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