Oh man this is sweet...

I'd *really* like to see this in 2.0.2...


Jason Dillon wrote:
> Hiya folks, I finally got around to finishing up my POC of using GShell
> to launch the Geronimo Server and I have committed the bits that make it
> work to server/trunk.  The new module which contains the GShell command
> implementation (and support) classes is:
>     modules/geronimo-commands
> And a new assembly which has the GShell bits all in place for folks to
> test with is:
>     assemblies/geronimo-jetty6-javaee5-gshell
> The assembly is not hooked up by default, but the code module is.  So,
> to test it out, you need to do something like:
>     svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/server/trunk server
>     cd server
>     mvn
>     assemblies/geronimo-jetty6-javaee5-gshell
>     mvn
> Then unzip the assembly:
>     unzip target/geronimo-jetty6-javaee5-gshell-2.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.zip
> And then finally try it out.  First lets get the basic GShell
> command-line help:
>     ./geronimo-jetty6-javaee5-gshell-2.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/gsh --help
> This should spit out something like:
> <snip>
>    ____ ____  _          _ _
>   / ___/ ___|| |__   ___| | |
>  | |  _\___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |
>  | |_| |___) | | | |  __/ | |
>   \____|____/|_| |_|\___|_|_|
>  GShell -- Geronimo command-line shell
> usage: gsh [options] <command> [args]
>     -n,--non-interactive        Run in non-interactive mode
>     -D,--define <name=value>    Define a system property
>     -V,--version                Display GShell version
>     -c,--commands <string>      Read commands from string
>     -debug,--debug              Enable DEBUG logging output
>     -h,--help                   Display this help message
>     -i,--interactive            Run in interactive mode
>     -quiet,--quiet              Limit logging output to ERROR
>     -verbose,--verbose          Enable INFO logging output
> </snip>
> Then lets run the interactive-shell:
>     ./geronimo-jetty6-javaee5-gshell-2.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/gsh
> This should leave you at a very plain prompt at the moment:
> <snip>
>> _
> </snip>
> At this point you can type something like this to list all of the known
> commands:
> <snip>
> help commands
> </snip>
> Which should spit back:
> <snip>
> Available commands (and aliases):
>   start-server ( start )
>   set
>   exit ( quit, bye )
>   unset
>   source
>   help
> </snip>
> The command that I added is called 'start-server', with an alias of
> 'start'.  This is basically an augmented and enhanced version of what
> the geronimo:start-server goal does in the geronimo-maven-plugin.  To
> see its options run this:
> <snip>
> start-server --help
> </snip>
> And it says:
> <snip>
> start-server -- Starts a new Geronimo server instance
> usage: start-server [options]
>     -A,--javaagent <jar>          Use a specific Java Agent, set to
> 'none' to
>                                   disable
>     -D,--property <name=value>    Set a system property
>     -H,--home <dir>               Use a specific Geronimo home directory
>     -J,--javaopt <option>         Set a JVM flag
>     -b,--background               Run the server process in the background.
>     -h,--help                     Display this help message
>     -j,--jvm <dir>                Use a specific Java Virtual Machine
> for server
>                                   process
>     -l,--logfile <file>           Capture console output to file
>     -m,--module <name>            Start up a specific module by name.
>     -q,--quiet                    Suppress informative and warning messages
>     -t,--timeout <seconds>        Specify the timeout for the server
> process in
>                                   seconds
>     -v,--verbose                  Enable verbose output; specify
> multipule times
>                                   to increase verbosity.
> </snip>
> NOTE: Use -vv for --veryverbose ;-)
> And then give it a whirl and try to start the server up from the shell:
> <snip>
> start-server
> </snip>
> or if you prefer more output:
> <snip>
> start-server -v
> </snip>
> And so on...
> This will actually create a newly forked JVM to run the server in, and
> will eventually have a robust node manager thingy, but I've not done
> that yet ;-)
> The platform scripts are now super simple!!!  All of the logic is now in
> the command implementation.  And eventually we can probably have the
> geronimo-maven-plugin just invoke the command so that *everything* uses
> the exact same method for launching the server process.
>  * * *
> As requested by Jeff, I added support to read in some scripts to augment
> the launching of the server... so that plugins can add properties and
> such easily.  Right now this is the directory which is inspected for
> scripts:
>     etc/rc.d
> And currently the scripts need to be named like this:
>    <command-name>,<custom>.groovy
> I've created a default one for you to look at:
>     etc/rc.d/start-server,default.groovy
> Which simply sets the max heap size to 512m:
> <snip>
> command.javaFlags << '-Xmx512m'
> </snip>
> When running the start-server command (or its aliases) all of the
> etc/rc.d/start-server,*.groovy scripts are run (if any) before the
> process is launched to allow the command.properties, command.javaFlags
> and other bits to be augmented.
> These are Groovy scripts so you can also execute any arbitrary logic to
> perform more complex setup muck if needed.
>  * * *
> For now I just dropped all of the jars required for this into lib/gshell
> and left lib/* alone, since the command uses the normal invoke of java
> -jar server.jar and it requires bits in lib/* to work.  Though we may
> eventually want to setup the server.jar to use a classpath into
> repository/* and then leave the lib/* only for the core launcher and
> bits at some point in the near future.
> This adds about ~4m to the assembly at the moment, though I've not tried
> to reduce this much, but I'm sure it can be done to reduce foot print. 
> Some may be to simply have the GShell loader pull bits from the
> repository and/or shading jars to only include what is really needed. 
> But I'm going to leave that for later.
> Also, we can probably also convert all of the other cli tools into
> GShell commands too, which will further simplify the platform scripts
> and keep things uniform, and also a wee bit easier to standardize
> testing off too ;-)
> In the assembly I left most of the scripts as they were, except for
> startup* and added gsh*.  The gsh* scripts are the main scripty bits,
> but they are very simple.  And the new startup* scripts are simply
> delegates to gsh to invoke the "start-server" command.
>  * * *
> Anyways, enough for now... please take a look, ask questions, comment,
> whatever.  I hope we can start an easy dialog about how we can make this
> basic style of launching and cli muck the standard for 2.1.
> Cheers,
> --jason

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