On 8/24/07, Nodet Guillaume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So if i understand you correctly, you are mostly concerned of enhancing
> the JMS flow in the following areas:
>    * avoid ping/pong and lower bandwidth requirement
>        (avoid sending the whole exchange and only send the actual data)
>    * enhance security (authentication, encryption ?)
>    * enhance the endoint registry wrt to services or instances going
> up and down

Did I catch you correcty ?

Yes.    The registry piece is a little interesting  for us to.  Because we
are integrating "hardware" via service components we've had to abstract the
notion of capabilities.  It would be nice if the registry were extensible.

For the bandwidh requirement, I'm sure we can do that and reconstruct
> a fake
> exchange on the other side.  We would loose informations wrt to the
> input message
> but I don't think this would be too much a problem.  For the ping/
> pong stuff, I'm sure
> we can find a way to optimize it somehow.  We may have troubles
> handling the
> InOptionalOut pattern though, as you don't really know if you will
> receive an Out
> message or nothing, but for the other simple patterns (InOnly and
> InOut) it should
> be quite easy to send back the exchange with a DONE status just after
> having send
> the jms message containing the In or Out.

I think as long as everything is optional wrt to optimizations the fact that
it may exclude various patterns is acceptable.  We've done everything in an
InOnly world.

On the security subject, I know there is lots to do, but this is an
> area i'm not so familiar
> with.  My biggest concern is that we security can be applied at the
> connection level
> or at the message level.  NMR-NMR security for the JMS flow could be
> delegated
> to ActiveMQ i guess (using AMQ security features).

Agreed.  It is now...the Network of Brokers feature.  But, there is not
really any concept of policy.

On the registry side, I think one of the main problem is that there
> is no way to tell the
> difference between an endpoint that goes down because the server is
> no more
> accessibe (it will be up again at a later time) or because the
> endpoint has been
> undeployed.  Imho, this is a key requirement to be able to make
> routing decisions.
> I don't know yet how to handle this problem:  if a server has been
> shutdown, it may
> never go up again...

Yeh, like if it has been blown up by an IED...

> So i'm still not sure how to handle the problem :-(
Yep, you are right.  Right now if we undeploy a service assembly, its
endpoint still exists, and messages are still routed to it.  Could just be a
bug.  ; }

I'm sure more discussion on this will follow.

> Guillaume Nodet
> On Aug 23, 2007, at 3:35 PM, Kit Plummer wrote:
> > Sure Guillaume.
> >
> > Maybe the best thing to do is explain the concept...and what we've
> > done to
> > meet our requirements.
> >
> > It is actually quite simple.  We needed to be able to connect two
> > computers
> > together via TCP/IP, and have a publisher on one system, the
> > consumer on the
> > other.  Granted we've got lot's of both on each - but, the premise
> > is that
> > link between is transparent.
> >
> > Currently, we are using a feature of ActiveMQ called "Network of
> > Brokers"
> > (NoB) to create a mapping of destinations/endpoints.
> >
> > Where it gets really complicated is when we only want to allow a
> > specific
> > MEPs to cross the NoB connection.  In this example, bandwidth is not a
> > commodity and must be tightly constrained.  We were tolerant of all
> > the SEDA
> > flow handshaking, but I believe it would be nice if InOnly MEPS
> > really were
> > just a single transmission (turning off levels of reliability/
> > durability).
> > Also, in our environment multicast isn't possible, and the networks
> > are
> > fairly ad-hoc...meaning not stable.  Plus, we need to know about
> > the state
> > of the link.
> >
> > Service registration happens also in different configurations.  For
> > example,
> > one topology we support is a hierarchical flow (master-slaves).
> > Imagine a
> > simple sensor net.  There would be a single point at the top, where
> > are data
> > were to be aggregated.  So, in this example the NoBs need to support
> > "followers" only communicating with their "leader"...and the
> > "leader" only
> > communicating with its "leader".  But, there might also be a need
> > to have
> > "shared" data that is available on all platforms in network
> > (health, state,
> > etc.).  Ding lifecycle.
> >
> > I could keep going...but, am curious if anyone else looks at it
> > this way.
> > Obviously, the notion of simple performance scalability is one way
> > to look
> > at.  There is a lot of capability in the NoB, but I think it falls
> > a bit
> > short.  There are a few features that we'd like to see, that would
> > help us
> > federate better.  BC/SE/SA-level authentication to the bus, as well as
> > platform-to-platform, or NMR-to-NMR authentication would be very
> > helpful.
> > We've been looking at grid/cluster-like capabilities too - for
> > example, if
> > one platform is maxed out from a processing perspective, sending
> > the SA and
> > the message/task to another platform in network automatically.
> >
> > Thanks for taking the time to do this.
> >
> > On 8/23/07, Nodet Guillaume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Kit,
> >>
> >> I'm quite sure you would have a very valuable input there, given your
> >> experience
> >> on ServiceMix.  So I'm starting this new thread.  Would you mind
> >> throwing a few
> >> ideas there ?
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Guillaume Nodet
> >>
> >>
> >> On Aug 23, 2007, at 5:39 AM, Kit Plummer wrote:
> >>
> >>> On 8/22/07, Terry Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Interesting.
> >>>>
> >>>> We need to have a very serious chat about application lifecycles
> >>>> and
> >>>> governance...
> >>>>
> >>>> Terry
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> And Federating...distribution of the NMR across n-platforms!
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Kit Plummer
> >>> Nobody-in-Charge @ Black:Hole:Logic
> >>> http://www.blackholelogic.com
> >>
> >>

Kit Plummer
Nobody-in-Charge @ Black:Hole:Logic

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