On 8/28/07, Bruce Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/28/07, Nodet Guillaume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Unfortunately I will be traveling until Friday evening.
> > What about moving it to Monday instead at the same hour ?
> > 3 pm GMT,  11 am EST, 8 am PST
> > Sorry about that...
> +1
> Bruce
> --
> perl -e 'print
> unpack("u30","D0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]&5R\"F)R=6-E+G-N>61E<D\!G;6%I;\"YC;VT*"
> );'
> Apache ActiveMQ - http://activemq.org/
> Apache ServiceMix - http://servicemix.org/
> Apache Geronimo - http://geronimo.apache.org/
> Castor - http://castor.org/

+2  ; }

Kit Plummer
Nobody-in-Charge @ Black:Hole:Logic

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