On Sep 3, 2007, at 1:55 PM, David Jencks wrote:

I've committed what I have so far:

- use new plugin schema
- generate geronimo-plugin.xml files for each car from pom.xml
- generate plan environment section from explicitly listed car- maven-plugin configuration instead of from maven dependencies. We check that each dependency listed in the maven plugin config is actually present in the maven dependencies section.
- moved car plans to src/main/plan/plan.xml
- include plan in the car for reference.

Thanks David this is great stuff!

- The cli search-plugins and console plugin installer work, but only sort of. For instance they don't show you which plugins are installed or would have problems due to prerequisite or obsoletes problems. I'm hoping someone less clueless about uis can help with this part.

I can probably help some on this. If the details are still fresh on your mind then you might want to capture them in a JIRA or I'll just ping you on IRC if necessary when I get a chance to take a look (hopefully this week).

Best wishes,

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