
Viet and myself have started some work related to monitoring in general
through the administrative console. The work that we have laid down is
currently only exploiting some Tomcat statistics, however EJB monitoring is
definitely something we want to get added down the road to it.

To get a feel for the approach and goals we have with this project, take a
look at the wiki article on it

as well as the Jira with the necessary files

Keeping in mind this is still in its infancy...
Is this something along the lines of what you are thinking for the console
part of the EJB data, and if so, would you be interested in combining
efforts so that we aren't pulling in multiple directions with monitoring
things on the server?

On 9/7/07, David Blevins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I'm thinking of adding some monitoring ability on the EJB side of
> things in the not too distant future and am wondering how things need
> to work on the Geronimo side of that picture.
> How does monitoring work now in the console?  Specifically some
> details on how the data is getting to where it's going (mbeans?),
> where is it being aggregated and for how long, and what technique is
> used to graph/display it?

Currently the only implemented monitoring in the console is through some
degree of real time data viewing, with maybe a min and a max value depending
on the stat, through the JMX viewer, beyond that there is no real historical
tracking of the data, which is part of what's covered in the plans I
mentioned above... as a result there is no current way of
graphing/displaying. In the current monitoring stuff, we are using Dojo
chart to generate graphs, so the graphics generation processing is done
client-side on the web browser, not on the server itself. And yes, you are
correct in part with getting the data where it's going, it is through mbeans
connected by JMX... but also the JSR77 spec is involved for what data is
pulled and such.

Also, who would want to work on the console part of the EJB data?
> -David

Erik B. Craig

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