The javadoc-plugin configuration in genesis in set to use jdk 1.4.
Rebuild genesis/configs/project-config by changing the javadoc-plugin
configuration in it to use jdk 1.5. Then run site at c-m-p. This
should fix it.


On 9/8/07, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought I might try to document the c-m-p a bit but when I try to run
> mvn site
> the javadoc plugin complains that I'm not using jdk 1.4 syntax.  I
> tried everything I could think of to set <source>1.5</source> but
> with no success whatsoever.  If anyone has a clue how to fix this
> please demonstrate!
> btw I'm using maven 2.0.7 and wonder if we should make that a
> requirement.
> thanks
> david jencks

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