I think I resolved most of the "resolve to wrong version" problems (basically #3 below), and I managed to start with framework and deploy plugins until I got a working web console (jetty, and the old non-modular console).

There are still a bunch of weirdnesses going on such as openejb having NCDFE but this seems to me like a significant step towards plugin usability.

There may be other problems such as I'm not sure the gbean configs are getting copied into config.xml properly. I'll keep looking at this stuff.

david jencks

On Sep 11, 2007, at 12:13 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I've now updated enough of the configs so we can see if we can assemble them into a server. It would be great if some one else could take a look at some of the remaining ones, list at the end of this email. To get your own list of un-cleaned-up configs build g, fire it up, and run search-plugins from the command line deployer: the <no category> ones aren't done yet.

To provide a more reasonable sized testbed for assembling servers out of plugins I also shrank geronimo-framework to the minimum possible size: rmi-naming plus enough security to enable the command line deployer to connect to it.

So, while some parts of plugin installation work, overall it doesn't. I keep seeing plugin installation pull in the wrong version of jars and cars and sometimes not find jars that are present in the local maven repo.

Here are the problems I've noted so far, in order of discovery:

1. While reviewing config poms I saw some suspicious dependencies. Axis and Axis2 depend on openejb which subverts any attempt to run axis web services on a minimal server. The openejb-deployer requires openejb to be running which subverts any attempt to deploy offline while another server is running on the same machine (port conflicts).

2. Figuring out which repository to look in doesn't work yet. While what is specified in the geronimo-plugin.xml and geronimo- plugins.xml does appear to be honored, using these isn't compatible with developing and testing plugins, since while a plugin is being worked on you want to use only your local repo but after its published you don't (unless perhaps its is hooked up to some kind of maven proxy) I wonder if having a "default" repo configured in the plugin installer system would work, or perhaps merging the repos at the end of geronimo-plugins.xml with those in each geronimo-plugin.xml.

3. version resolution appears to have some serious problems. I think pretty much all of the geronimo-plugin.xmls contain versions for every jar (something I'm hoping to change) but I ran into a lot of problems. First most of the artifacts got resolved to the 2.0.1 released artifacts which didn't work because the car files didn't have valid geronimo-plugin.xmls in them. After I removed all my 2.0.1 artifacts things were slightly better until I got to something that wouldn't resolve at all, xbean-reflect 3.2- SNAPSHOT. The jar is in my local repo but for some reason it wasn't found.

4. I am doubting more and more that the current "requires" and "obsoletes" data are appropriate. For instance, most of the web apps "require" jetty (or tomcat, pick your flavor). IMO this is the wrong idea. If I want to install one of these web apps, it should install the web server if it's not already present. What I think is more appropriate would be if I'm trying to install a jetty web app and tomcat is installed it should complain: if no other web server is installed then it should install jetty for me.

5. Trying to extract information about what went wrong is really hard and unpleasant.

6. With the CTS configs that happen to be on my machine, there are 93. This is a lot to wade through. We need a better way of organizing them, at least on the command line. Perhaps providing a list of categories to pick from, then the plugins from that category, would be more manageable. Also a "deploy this from this maven repo" command would be good: this might exist but I haven't found it yet.

david jencks

   <no category>
  Geronimo Configs :: Welcome app Jetty
        8 :  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Unavailable Client Deployer
        9 :  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: GBean Deployer
        11:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Shared Library
        12:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: System Database
        13:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Application Client Deployments
        14:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: J2EE Client transaction
        15:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: CLI Upgrade
        16:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Unavailable EJB Deployer
        17:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Plan Upgrade
        20:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Shutdown
        21:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: JSR88 JAR Configurer
        23:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Welcome app Tomcat
        24:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Corba J2EE Client
        25:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Client System
        26:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: JSR88 EAR Configurer
        27:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: GBean Deployer Boostrap version
        28:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: JSR88 DeploymentFactory
        29:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Servlet Examples for Tomcat
        33:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: JSR88 CLI
        34:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: J2EE Client
        35:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Unavailable Web Services Deployer
        36:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: UDDI Tomcat
        37:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: Servlet Examples for Jetty
        38:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: UDDI Jetty6
        39:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: J2EE Client Security
        40:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: JSR88 RAR Configurer
        43:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)
  Geronimo Configs :: JSR88 WAR Configurer
        45:  (2.1-SNAPSHOT)

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