Tim, The "Install prerequisites" section of http://people.apache.org/~mcconne/releases/RC3/Geronimo_Eclipse_Plugin_2.0.0_Instructions-RC3.txt needs following updates:
1) "1 -- Europa (also known as Eclipse 3.3), which is platform specific" Need to mention package name as "Eclipse Classic" to avoid confusions as raised in RC2 voting thread. Also, shouldn't the version be changed to 3.3.1? Please see http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/development/freeze_plan_3_3_1.html So, this could look something like: "1 -- Eclipse 3.3.1 (Eclipse Classic package of Europa distribution), which is platform specific" <http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/development/freeze_plan_3_3_1.html> 2) "3 -- Data Tools Platform (DTP) 1.5" Should be "3 -- Data Tools Platform (DTP) 1.5.1" 3) "4 -- Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) 2.3" Should be "4 -- Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) 2.3.1" http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/downloads/?project= lists emf-sdo-xsd-SDK-M200709120130.zip under 2.3.1 Maintenance Builds 4) "5 -- Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) 3.3" Should be "5 -- Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) 3.3.1" http://download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/downloads/index.php lists GEF-SDK-M20070814-1555.zip under 3.3.1 Stream Maintenance Builds 5) "That is why this ant script downloads and installs the WTP 2.0.1 RC1 artifacts." Should be: "That is why this ant script downloads and installs the WTP 2.0.1 RC2 artifacts." - Shiva