I think this is because we changed to use maven-antrun-plugin instead of the maven-dependency-plugin. I guess one advantage is that with the antrun plugin we can grab eclipse zip files directly from an Eclipse repo which isn't maven 2 format yet. It used to be that Sachin has to host the eclipse zip files on his personal apache page.


Jason Warner wrote:
I pulled down the j2g trunk last night in an attempt to look at the issues raised by Ted Kirby about compile failures. When I built this, I found that the status information provided when downloading Eclipse and other prerequisites had changed. It used to display the total file size, plus how much had already been downloaded. I think it might have also showed the transfer speed but I'm not sure. Either way, now the status is conveyed by means of dots. I didn't find this especially helpful, especially when it started downloaded the eclipse sdk and my entire terminal history became full of dots. Was this an explcit change by someone or is it a result of being moved out of sandbox into devtools? Could it be changed back? I found the old information more useful. Anyone else have any thoughts on the issue?


Jason Warner

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