A quick investigation into this gave rise to some insights and more questions -

1) An explicit-versions.properties gets generated by the PackageMojo
while building every config.
2) I doubt if this is getting serialized into the car. So I am unsure
if this ever gets used.
3) An explicit-version.properties gets generated by the
InstallModulesMojo while building assembles in 2.0 but not in trunk.
4) And obviously, we are not using InstallModulesMojo for assembly in trunk.

1) what is the explicit-version.properties used for (in configs and in
2.0 assembly) ?
2) what is the geronimo-dependency.xml used for ? (a handful of
modules contain it)


On 10/12/07, Jarek Gawor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Folks,
> In trunk, I've noticed that dependencies specified in
> geronimo-dependency.xml without an explicit version get resolved to an
> incorrect version when installed. For example, the root pom defines
> geronimo-schema-j2ee_1.4 dependency with version 1.2. But in the final
> javaee assembly only the version 1.1-SNAPSHOT was installed. I see the
> same issue with other such dependencies.
> Is anyone else seeing that too? Looks like we will need to specify
> explicit versions in the geronimo-dependency.xml files. If so, how do
> we keep the versions in synch with the root pom?
> Jarek

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