I had some time to look at your test case on the plane and i think i
found a fix. In all cases i'm quite sure that the problem comes from
the component and not from the container. The fix is mainly to inject
on the pojo a delivery channel that will track consumer exchanges sent
by the bean. That way, the component will know about the exchange and
will not throw an exception.

2007/10/19, Andreas Schaefer (2) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Tomorrow I plan to try to fix this issue but if anyone sees a flaw in
> my design please stop beforehand.
> Today I finally resolved the problem of how does ServiceMix know to
> which component it should send the Message Exchange (ME) back even
> though it uses the wrong Service Name. Inside the
> AbstractFlow.doRouting() it uses the SourceId from the ME to find the
> correct Binding Component (BC). That is why in my test project the
> call goes back tot he Bean BC even though it tries to call a service
> that is actually based on a Script BC. This makes me hopeful that
> applying the same logic to the service name could fix the issue.
> That is what I want to do to fix it:
> - - service name is removed from the packet and placed inside the ME
> (maybe also the endpoint)
> - - the ME.setServiceName() is actually set on the MIRROR.serviceName
> member (so that I don't have to change the logic of switching the ME
> with its MIRROR)
> - - the consumer's service name is set on the ME before the ME is sent
> onto the flow. This is either done on the Message Exchange Factory or
> on the Delivery Channel which is probably the better choice because
> then on the way back the service name of the provider can also be set
> if not already done). I just have to figure out how to obtain the
> service name of the sending SU from within the Delivery Channel.
> I think that should do the trick even though I don't know what the
> implications on the SYNCHRONOUS ME are and hope that I am not going
> to open Pandora's Box.
> Thanks - Andy
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Guillaume Nodet
Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/

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