This jetspeed integration is coming along nicely!  Very promising work.

Instead of introducing a MBE that automatically configures the webapp for jetspeed based on the presence of WEB-INF/portlet.xml can we look into allowing jetspeed to handle its own deployment via placement in its hot deploy directory? When a war is placed in that directory jetspeed processes the portlets internally and then handles deploying the war to the app server. i.e. the portal recognizes the WAR as a special kind of app and handles the extra deployment steps, not the application server.

I have a hunch that trying reverse that paradigm or somehow wrapper the deployment responsibilities of jetspeed from within an MBE could prove to be confusing to jetspeed users, difficult to implement correctly, and very sensitive to the jetspeed version. And like Donald pointed out it would interfere with other portal apps that might be deployed in Geronimo like Liferay, uPortal, Pluto (the admin console), etc.

Best wishes,

On Oct 26, 2007, at 7:37 AM, Donald Woods wrote:

Can this plugin coexist with the Pluto Admin portal in 2.1?
Now that the Jetspeed plugin has a which handles any webmodule with "WEB-INF/portlet.xml" as its own, how can we deploy Admin portlets to Pluto vs. user portlets to Jetspeed? Or is this meant only as a complete replacement of Pluto for users who want a full featured Portal?


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