Unfortunately I'm not going to be going to ApacheCon's in the US but to the
EU ones
from now on.  However I would love to either get a summary or partake in the
if someone can ping me from IRC or via skype.  This is something I think
will benefit us
all.  Thanks David for driving these talks.


On 11/5/07, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've worked a bit on integrating Roller and Jetspeed2 into Geronimo
> and one thing that quickly becomes clear is that the authorization
> security requirements of these "dynamic content" applications are
> almost completely unrelated to the javaee security specifications.
> One small possible overlap is that the JACC spec supplies the
> possibility of pluggable policies for authorization evaluation.
> I wondered if people would be interested in getting together to
> discuss how app servers such as geronimo and security products such
> as TripleSec could support these non-javaee security requirements and
> how much commonality there might be across different types of
> application.  I'll be at ApacheCon all week and would be happy to
> talk to everyone individually or in an informal meeting.
> Some of the things I've been wondering about are:
> - permission definition
> - user administration: how are users added and removed or have their
> permissions changed.
> - resource administration: how are resources such as blogs, portal
> pages, or portlets added or removed or have their user access changed
> - specification of "default policy" for new users and new resources:
> e.g. when a new user signs up what can they do?
> thanks!
> david jencks

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