AHC is a framework that allows appllications that need to assemble http requests from a variety of other http sources. Rather than have to serialize the requests or spin off a thread for each request, this interface uses the Mina NIO framework to perform each of the requests asynchronously.

Prasad wrote a sample benchmark application to test this out:


The benchmark results are fairly impressive. This can provide some major throughput improvements to these types of applications.

Jacek Laskowski wrote:
On Jan 5, 2008 8:45 PM, Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There has been a lot of ongoing work by Jeff, Prasad, Rick, Sangjin and
others on the AsyncHttpClient (aka. AHC) code in the sandbox and I'd
like to start the discussion on moving it from sandbox into trunk.

Could you describe a little what AHC is for? Without it I'm for moving
it to trunk too *iff* it builds and others see fit for it in Geronimo.


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