On Feb 28, 2008, at 6:07 PM, David Jencks wrote:

A few years ago I read about an information based perpetual motion machine someone came up with. IIRC many people studied it for quite a while before realizing that the flaw was an assumption that erasing information was free. It turned out to require the same energy as apparently extracted from the machine.

By applying this "green svn" energy saving principle we have an unparalleled opportunity to assure that future visitors to our svn repo will have no way of finding the live code.


we could clean up the leftovers from completed refactoring efforts and releases.

Here's the stuff I have located in a quick scan that I think has more recent versions elsewhere or is completely obsolete and can be removed, organized by last committer:



These plugins were created at that location as a result of our discussions about organizing the various source trees.

But then later we copied those plugins into server/trunk in order to make releasing 2.1 easier:

The only value I can think of in keeping those plugins around would be if we want to use their svn & maven structuring to implement the ideas we had discussed in the first thread. I won't be up to that task in the foreseeable future, so I'm fine with removing them unless someone else wants to start that effort back up again.

Best wishes,

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