
Changes in v5:
legal files in all the jars (I hope)
fix a typo in the NOTICE template
make the generated site work better (parent link, maven feather)
remove logging-config and checkstyle-config per jdillons advice.
move modules to base pom, not a profile; change how bootstrap works.

Changes in v4:
make the legal-bundle version fixed rather than equal to the version of whatever subproject is trying to use it.
Fix noise in DEPENDENCIES file generation
Change legal verifier to expect LICENSE and NOTICE files by default
add the rat plugin so you can run mvn rat:check for a project check (note that rat does not look inside jars so we still need the verifier) add some more commonly used plugins to the project-config and alphabetize them.

Changes in v3:
Change the legal-bundle to have really simple NOTICE file and put all the dependency info in a separate DEPENDENCIES file. This corresponds to what appears to be current thinking on legal-discuss about what should be in these files. We should be able to use this bundle with the maven-remote-resources-plugin everywhere now.

Fiddle around with the maven site generation and site deployment so it more or less works. Add some instructions in the project-config site.

Changes in v2:
Change in the release plugin configuration to use the default tagBase in release profiles in projects that inherit from the project-config pom. It is also possible to override tagBase but this should not be necessary as we adhere to standard svn layout. There are also some plugin version upgrades.

The new root pom includes a release profile that sets up the standard javadoc, source and gpg plugins and uses the default tagBase location.

This sets us up for using the release process also now under vote described at http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxPMGT/ Proposed+%28updated%29+release+process

The only Jira I know about is https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ GERONIMO-3895

Staging repo: (note, this is a different location)
http://people.apache.org/~djencks/staging-repo/genesis/org/apache/ geronimo/genesis/
site staging:

This time I was able to use mvn site site-deploy -Prelease to deploy the site all at once to the staging-site.

Vote open for 72 hours.

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david jencks

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