Hi Remya,
here are a couple of tips for understanding the deployment plans

Schema documentation for geronimo-web.xml

If you want to try Geronimo 2.1 (which I would encourage you to do so) you can 
give a shot to the deployment plan wizard 
(http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC21/deployment-plan-wizard.html ). It will 
create a deployment plan for you at deployment time, if you are using 
annotations it's even easier!

Back to your specific quesitons, <environment>, <moduleId> and <artifactId>. These are how you uniquely identify your application (or any other resource) within Geronimo.
<moduleId> encloses <groupId>, <artifactId>, <version> and <type>. These 
ultimately identify the resource in the repository.

<moduleId> is defined within the <environment> tag which also encloses the dependencies 
your application may have. For instance a database connection pool, you'd be adding that dependency 
there, all enclosed within the appropriate <dependencies><dependency> tags. The deployment 
plan wizard link I included above provides more examples on this.

The deployment plans documentation is still in progress for Geronimo 2.1 ( 
http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC21/deployment-plans.html ), you may still find 
useful docs from previous releases with more details on the plans ( 
http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC12/geronimo-webxml.html )



remya wrote:
I am a beginner with Geronimo and would like to know the different steps that
needs to be followed while writing my first geronimo-web.xml

While I was searching for some samples on the net, I came across several
elements in geronimo-web.xml, which was quite confusing to me, like
<environment>, <moduleId> and <artifactId>.

I had mentioned <context-root> for my application, but is that alone not
enough for my application to be deployed and run?

Please do help me in this regard with a suitable reply.


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