When is G gonna upgrade to AMQ 5?


On Mar 26, 2008, at 12:28 PM, David Jencks wrote:

On Mar 25, 2008, at 7:41 PM, Donald Woods wrote:

Yep, I'd like to see those fixes in 2.1.1, but maybe an ActiveMQ 4.1.2 release that still supports Java 1.4 for existing stand-alone ActiveMQ users would be the best way to go for now.

I didn't really consider moving to java 5 (which involves only replacing the backport-concurrent classes with the java.util.concurrent classes) until I picked up the activeio-3.1- SNAPSHOT fix which has already moved definitively to java 5. So I have no problem calling the activemq version 4.2 but keeping a java 1.4 compatibility for activemq won't let you use it on java 1.4 due to the activeio changes.

I should have thought of and mentioned this in the original post...

david jencks


Joe Bohn wrote:
David Jencks wrote:
Geronimo is still using ActiveMQ 4 and I've applied patches for or fixed a few bugs that are fairly important for getting MDBS working reliably and fixing other problems. So, I'd like to get a release out of the 4.x branch for the upcoming Geronimo 2.1.1 release.
I agree ... it would be great to get those included in 2.1.1.

I've looked through the jiras for 4.x and applied the patches for ones that I had a clue about. If anyone else wants something fixed in 4.x please speak up.

ActiveIO trunk has a fix that we'd like (don't put non-strings in system properties) so I'd like to release ActiveIO 3.1 also. Since that requires java 5 I'd like to update activemq 4 to use java 5 also (I've tried and this is easy to do). What's the community feeling on this? Is this a real no-no? Would it be better to have the version 4.2 and preserve 4.1.x for java 1.4 work?
I'm sure others have more informed opinions on this than I do. I personally can't think of a reason that we should need another java 1.4 release but it certainly is nice to have the option ... so I think it would make sense to do the java 5 work in a 4.2 branch. Although I have to admit that I'm getting a little nervous at all the moving parts for 2.1.1.

I'd like to also update the poms to use more modern maven release procedures as well.... I haven't looked into this much yet and will post further when I do.

david jencks

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