I agree that the current situation is bad. I would like to resolve it by:
- removing all custom svn:ignore properties
- providing some documentation on setting up your global ignores
- making sure that we don't require any non-standard svn:ignore settings.

Here's why:

- having to set up svn:ignore for a new project is too hard. I never remember :-). Anyone using maven needs to have target in their global svn ignores anyway. - you need global svn ignores anyway for the IDE-specific files like .ipr for IDEA. Our checked-in svn:ignore settings definitely should not cater to any particular IDE - basic maven hygiene requires that everything except such IDE files and target be checked in.

david jencks

On Apr 16, 2008, at 6:15 AM, Vasily Zakharov wrote:

Hi, all,

I've noticed that in many places in Geronimo repository the files and
subdirectories generated by build scripts are put to svn:ignore
properties of the corresponding directories, so that they do not get
in the way when checking a working copy status and preparing a

However in some other (newer?) places the build-generated files and
subdirectories are not being added to svn:ignore properties.

I think that it worths to have a consistent policy in this matter.

Personally, I think that it makes sense to add all the known
build-generated files and directories to the corresponding local
svn:ignore, as svn:ignore idea is to mark the files and directories
that are not going to be committed to repository. So if our build
generates something somewhere and we know that it generates that, and
we know we're not going to commit that (like 'build', 'target'
directories, log files etc.) - let's mark it so.

On the other hand, one can configure his own ~/.subversion/config
[global-ignores] property to ignore some file patterns throughout the
whole repository. However, this approach is good for some personal
settings, and it has its disadvantages: first, it's needed to be done
by each developer; second, it creates a risk of hiding some important
files being hidden by some global wildcard; third, it's a global-only
setting that can't go into details of particular build parts. Using
local svn:ignore properties looks preferable as it only covers the
particular files in particular directory.

What would you people say?

There's an issue created with proposed patches on this issue, it's

Also, this issue already had some intensive discussions since a year
ago, please check them also:



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