1) I've noticed that we actually have 2 RELEASE_NOTES-2.1.txt files in our source. They are both identical. One is in our root ... branches/2.1.1/RELEASE-NOTES-2.1.txt. The other is branches/2.1.1/assemblies/geronimo-boilerplate-minimal/src/main/underlay/RELEASE_NOTES-2.1.txt. Are both of these necessary? If not, which one is really required?

2) How elaborate do the release notes need to be for a maintenance release like 2.1.1? For example, our 2.1 release notes included a list of enhancements explaining each. I was just planning to list the JIRAs that were included in the release since most items are bug fixes and remove the 2.1 enhancement content. Is that sufficient and what we have done in the past?

3) Why is the version number in the name? I assume that I need to rename the current one to reflect that this is 2.1.1 ... but it might be better to just remove the version number completely when I rename it.

4) As with the RELEASE_NOTES we also have 2 instances of the README.txt file in our source. One is in our root ... branches/2.1.1/README.txt. The other is branches/2.1.1/assemblies/geronimo-boilerplate-minimal/src/main/underlay/README.txt. There is one minor difference between the 2 files. Are both of these necessary and if not, which one is required?


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