On Apr 16, 2008, at 7:15 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

David Jencks wrote:
While the original manifestations of GERONIMO-3705 (build doesn't work with maven 2.0.8) appeared to only apply to maven > 2.0.7, Bruce Snyder came up with a problem with identical symptoms using maven 2.0.7. I think if the fix for this issue also fixes the situation he has we should apply the change to 2.1.1.
david jencks

Do you have an idea when we will know if this does in fact resolve the issue? I'm not opposed to it if we will know fairly soon. I still have to work on the release notes (unless somebody else wants to do this :-) ) and ensure that I can create the necessary artifacts before I can create a release candidate.

I checked against servicemix 3.2 branch and although I had to make quite a few changes to work with g. 2.1.x after those changes it did compile (at least the part that was giving problems). Therefore I think we should merge this in. I'm happy to do this if you want, otherwise I think

svn merge -c 648584 https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/server/ branches/2.1 .

should work

david jencks


On Apr 15, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:
I created a branch for 2.1.1 that will be used to prepare for the release. At the moment it is still versioned as 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT. Just prior to this branch I published new 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts.

I also updated the branches/2.1 to 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT. After the change I published 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT artifacts.

At the moment the only remaining changes that I am aware of that are necessary for 2.1.1 prior to creating a release candidate are:
- Updating to utilize OpenEJB 3.0
- Updating the README and RELEASE_NOTES


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