Hi again Ted, Earlier this year I had added the ECLIPSE_AND_WTP.zip file was on unstable site for those who were having some difficulties downloading all the GEP prereqs. Those problems have since been fixed and that file is no longer needed, plus it's extremely out-of-date. So I've deleted it. Thanks for the reminder....

Ted Kirby wrote:
The level of eclipse described on
http://geronimo.apache.org/development-tools.html is not now in sync
with the ant script to download eclipse.  I see the page refers to
v2.0.0, yet the ant script referred to is from trunk.  This raises two
questions:  1. Should there be instructions/versions of the page for
different levels of the plugin? 1.1, 2.0, 2.1?  In the v2.0.0 section,
the ant script link should be to 2.0.0 code, not trunk code.

Also, what is ECLIPSE_AND_WTP.zip on

Tim McConnell

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