
I didn't quite understand..... do we need to push on the rar and war plugins for new, more m-r-r-p friendly releases?

david jencks

On Apr 23, 2008, at 12:43 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

Folks, I've updated server/trunk to build with the latest maven- remote-resources-plugin, using v1.4 of the jar resources plugin, which I understand generates the right bits.

I also moved the legal file checking bits out into a separate plugin, ianal-maven-plugin, hosted at the Mojo project, which now helps ensure our modules are spitting out artifacts with legal mumbo in them.

I've also go through and nuked almost all of the LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt files littered throughout the tree, most of them were the same anyways. For those that had additions, I've added m-r-r-p configuration to append those critical legal details to the files which are included.

So now there are only the LICENSE.txt, NOTICE.txt in the top-level under server/trunk and the files which are included in the assemblies under assemblies/geronimo-boilerplate-minimal/src/main/ underlay. I did drop the .txt suffix on those files, which I have mixed feelings about... but it makes it easier to keep the ianal plugin (and configuration of it) simple since the m-r-r-p doesn't generate .txt extensions.

Had to add a few wee hacks, for all RAR modules and a few WAR and EAR modules to get the m-r-r-p generated files included... those plugins aren't really m-r-r-p friendly, but I gave Maven a kick in the ass to make it do my bidding as usual ;-) And its nothing major, just a bit of a PITA... extra pom code blah.

* * *

So, now server/trunk is *completely* from using the old genesis tools-maven-plugin. Still using maven-maven-plugin, but I hope to fix that soon. And then I'll re-craft genesis 2.x to reduce alot of the common pom muck we have in server/trunk/pom.xml.



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