
Actually I think the current 1.x version in trunk is 1.1.0, which is fully
compatible with 1.1.1... as a result of this, it can just be upgraded in the
'dojo' plugin and be kept at the path of just /dojo

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Jun 6, 2008, at 11:52 AM, Jason Warner wrote:
> Would this let us remove Dojo 0.4.3 from the server or would we keep it
> there for users who might still be using it?  If so, how long are we going
> to do that for?  My vote would be to yank it out after we're no longer
> dependent on it, but I'm not sure what the community at large would think of
> that.  Regardless, I like your idea, Joe.
> IMO, we would drop 0.4.3. I don't think we maintained for backward
> compatibility reasons, more because we didn't want to update the admin
> console code, at that point in time.
> I think it would be good to upgrade to 1.1.1. I also assume it would
> replace the current 1.0.2 version? Perhaps we should consider encoding the
> dojo version in the dojo path name.
> I'd prefer to see this work broken down into reasonable chunks (where
> possible), so that we can track progress (and others can participate). First
> add /dojo-1.1.1 and start incrementally moving code over to use new dojo. I
> don't know the internals of the admin console. So, not sure how well that
> work breaks down into manageable chunks.
> --kevan
> +1
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Joseph Leong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I've been tossing the idea around in my head of taking the initiative to
>> upgrade the current items written in Dojo to 1.1.1, I know we still have
>> some Dojo 0.4.3, which isn't supported anymore, in use and there has been
>> vast improvements with their new Dijit package for widgets among many other
>> items.  Also, with some recently reported JIRAs about accessibility
>> compatibility being an issue in these Dojo components we can make use of the
>> a11y available in it.  Overall, i also think we might also benefit a cleaner
>> setup from streamlining our versions  in terms of future development and
>> maintenance as well.
>> Although I haven't looked in complete detail in each of the AG Dojo
>> pieces, i know that the 0.4.3 transition to 1.1.1 will take some work
>> because the widget system has been separated out to it's own pieces (diji)
>> and so simple work arounds will not do.  That is, this will be a big block
>> change rather than an incremental one.
>> Does anyone have any thoughts - one way or the other on this undertaking?
>> Thanks!
>> Joseph Leong
> --
> ~Jason Warner

Erik B. Craig

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