David Jencks wrote:

On Jul 18, 2008, at 10:35 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

In the past we had asserted that a user should be able to pick up an individual sample and build it. Because of a recent change in the samples this is no longer possible (at least not until we release some artifacts that can be downloaded without building locally - see details on the issue below).

I personally think it is acceptable to provide some general directions on building samples that require a user (at least the first time) to checkout the entire samples svn tree and build from the top level. It takes about 5 minutes to build all of the samples. Following that initial build a user could choose to build just one sample at a time. We can also provide some more complicated directions for users that have some issue with building all of the samples. If I don't hear any strong objections (along with solutions to the current issue that requires a top level build) then I will go ahead and change the doc accordingly.

I'm fine with this except I don't think we need to provide error-prone instructions that are likely to stop working soon for people who don't want to build all the samples.

I'm fine with eliminating the more complicated directions.

Specifics on why this is an issue:
- We had to add in the building of a tomcat utility (Txt2Html included in buildutil). This is used to generate html from java source and jsp files. The html is then included with the jsp & servlet samples and can be displayed when running the samples (we might want to consider this for some of our other samples as well). The utility is run via ant and so we are using the maven-antrun-plugin. When the configuration for the execution of the utility was included in the specific sample it worked great for just that one sample but produced errors when attempting to build from a higher level. This is apparently because of the way the the maven plugin is resolved and loaded. To get the build working from the top level we had to move the dependency of the antrun-plugin on buildutil up under pluginmanagement. However, this has the effect of now requiring buildutil to be available for all samples even if it is not used (since most samples use the antrun-plugin for other purposes). There is a maven issue that describes our problem (and indicates that it is fixed in maven 2.1.* but not 2.0.*) - MNG-1323 (http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-1323).

I wonder if we should write a maven plugin to do this text to html conversion? I haven't looked at what is going on or the problem at all. It's hard to believe there is no solution available now.

In addition to the issue above, there are other general build steps required which will benefit from a common build process rather than including them in each sample description. For example, we need to make the svn repository artifacts for the specific server release available in the user's local maven repo. I'd rather not have to include those steps in each sample but rather point to a common build.

Maybe we should rethink our svn repository strategy. It doesn't really work with the idea of plugins. How about if we do something like shading the tomcat jars to another package and releasing them with our groupId?

I think it would be great if we could release these images under some other package so that they can be downloaded. However, I wonder if there are dependencies that might be broken if we did something like that (I mean apart from dependencies we create). At the moment we only change the version # for our artifacts so any reference from poms would not be affected unless the version number itself was included in the reference.

david jencks


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