Jarek Gawor wrote:
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for checking this out David.

It is my opinion that these issues are not sufficient to stop the release.

I agree.

 If anyone feels otherwise please speak-up.

It appears #1 was introduced with rev. 665729 when attempting to make gsh
consistent with geronimo.sh (which has required JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME since
at least release 2.1).

I also looked into the derby port (#2) and it appears that this has been
incorrect for several releases.  I checked 2.1, and 2.1.1 - both of these
displayed "0" for the port (which is also what I see on 2.1.2 rather than

Nice. Looks like we actually pass port 0, so the derby network
listener actaully listens on first available port the OS assigns. The
workaround is easy, just add DerbyPort=1527 to
config-substitutions.properties file. Probably we should add this to
the release notes.

Hmmm ... not sure what to do about that. Since the release notes are included in the image itself we would need to create a new release candidate to add the note and if that is the case then we should just go ahead and fix it. We could add the note in the version that we post to the wiki.


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