Let's stay focused on what can be done for the current custom server assemblies support in 2.2 for this thread versus new features, like the server construction kit (which can be done today via c-m-p and the maven repos.)

Need to also think about adding some unit tests in the testsuite to verify the function works automatically for both the console and cmdine.

For the profiles, lets start with 2 or 3, so we can get all of the UI and tests flushed out. I'd still suggest -
   Web (identical to minimal assembly - Servlets+JSP+JSF)
   Web + JMS
If someone wants EJB or JPA, they can use the full assembly until we get additional profiles created and verified.


Lin Sun wrote:
Thanks for updating the key function list.

Your big idea is very interesting... Also, It is possible we just
distribute the server construction kit, and a user could just select
profiles/plugins from a remote repo to assemble a desired custom
server.    I wonder if we could revisit this post 2.2, or after we
finish the usability improvement of the custom assembly.


On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 6:11 PM, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Aug 12, 2008, at 2:59 PM, Lin Sun wrote:

I appreciate your valuable feedback!

Currently, a user doesn't have that much choices, as we only allow the
user to assemble a new server out of plugins in local server, unless
we want to change this behavior.

So if a user installs the geronimo-tomcat-javaee5 assembly, he can
only choose tomcat + axis2.   If a user installs the
geronimo-jetty-javaee5 assembly, he can only choose jetty + cxf.
true... for now :-)

To simplify things, here is what I suggest.  We allow the users to choose
from -

__ Web
__ JMS
__ Web Services
__ EJB
__ OpenJPA
__ Deployment
__ Admin Console
__ Cluster (tomcat only?)
__wadi clustering

Then the user can just select one or more functions they need and
request for the customer assembly server to be created.   Optionally,
the user can add on additional deployed apps or other system modules
then request for the customer assembly server to be created.
I wonder if we can think bigger :-)

What if we distributed something with _all_ the cars in it and customizable
profiles for the servers we ship now?  So, you wouldn't unpack a particular
server, but the server construction kit.  You could pick a profile and
optionally modify it, then spit out the desired server.  Then you would be
able to pick jetty/tomcat and cxf/axis2 and however much deployment you

Alternatively maybe the "assemble a server" can show plugins from more than
just the current server.

david jencks


On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 4:10 PM, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
client profiles might be apropriate too.

I wonder how much of this is actually necessary?  e.g. if you install the
jetty-deployer plugin you get jetty too.  If you install the
you get jetty....

What if we had a "select the parts" page that was organized differently
the list of plugins.... e.g. checkboxes for web, ejb, webservices.  If
say yes to web, you get to choose jetty/tomcat, whether you want
whether you want the console.

Choosing web or ejb gives you the opportunity to include openjpa ( or
toplink in the future)
Choosing webservices gives you the choice of cxf or axis2

Just some more or less random thoughts
david jencks

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