On Sep 9, 2008, at 1:48 AM, Jason Dillon wrote:

No comments?

Your description sounds great but I won't really know until I try it out or study it in great detail which I haven't had time for. The organization looks way better than what we have now.

Can we use the stage plugin to copy from local staging to people.apache.org staging and then again from there to the repo?

david jencks


On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Folks, I've been pounding away at Genesis 2.0, in between hospitalization and system failures, and I think it is about ready. I'm sending this email
to inform folks about the state of the sub-project as to enlist any
suggestions on changes before I go about documenting it fully.

* * *

The 2.0 bits consist of the following modules:


The 'flava' modules provide the basic configuration for sub- projects, what used to be 'project-config' in Genesis 1.x. There are 2 modules, one for Java 1.4 projects and another for Java 5 projects. Both inherit from the 'genesis-default-flava' which in-turn inherits from the top-level pom. The
top-level pom defines the versions of plugins, and sets up the basic
profiles used to perform a release, stage and test a release. The 'flava'
poms define configurations which are intended to be inherited from by
projects to setup the muck needed for each version.

The plugin currently only provides validation goals, which try to help reduce user-configuration errors. This plugin is used by the default flava
and avoids the need for staged builds.

The genesis-geronimo-skin module is our normal skin, hasn't really been
changed... for better or worse.

The genesis-packaging module contains the muck that used to be in the
tools-maven-plugin, its not hooked up by default so it needs to be
configured as an extension where its needed.

* * *

Release configuration currently consists of the following properties:

* release.stageRequired
* release.gpgPassphrase
* release.stageDeployUrl
* release.siteStageDeployUrl

Which usually ends up in your ~/.m2/settings.xml as somthing like:

              <release.gpgPassphrase>***YOUR GPG
<release.stageDeployUrl>file://***DIRECTORY OF YOUR LOCAL
STAGE REPOSITORY***</release.stageDeployUrl>
<release.siteStageDeployUrl>file://***DIRECTORY OF YOUR LOCAL
SITE STATE REPOSITORY***</release.siteStageDeployUrl>

When performing a normal (non-staged release, not the norm for ASF muck),
one can:

mvn -Drelease release:prepare
mvn release:perform

For normal ASF staged releases:

mvn -Drelease=stage release:prepare
mvn release:perform

Stages releases, IMO, should be deployed to a local URL and once the build has finished the release-manager should perform an scp to deploy to a shared location. The reason for this is that often times, during a project release which consists of many (many) modules, often times the network connection will break and fail release builds. This is a problem because mvn's release deployment occurs for each modules, not at the end of the build, though for
releases, before the build occurs some scm changes will occur.  So to
minimize problems, staging to a local URL for the build, then after the build succeeds manually deploying to a shared location should provide better
overall results.

It may be possible to automate this procedure at a later date... but for now
its assumed to be manual.

* * *

I had tried to make Genesis 2.0 generic enough to be used by other projects, specifically the other mvn plugins I maintain for the Mojo project, though I haven't really found a good way to do that completely. But because of this
Genesis 2.0 allows non-staged releases.  But projects can define
'release.stageRequired' to be 'true' in their projects pom to require the release to be staged. This property is configured in the project's pom.
Which means that this will fail:

mvn -Drelease *

and this will not:

mvn -Drelease=stage *

* * *

The site staging bits are still kinda in the works, need to get more
experience with how we actually use it, though right now I have some basic
configuration enabled.

Folks that want to build javadoc and source distributions for testing can enable the 'distribution' profile, which is very close to what the 'full' profile in Genesis 1.x used to be. This profile is flipped on automatically
when -Drelease is specified.  To turn on manually w/o release add '-P
distribution' to the invocation.

Before performing a release, its useful to run a build with
'-DtestDistributionUrl=file://...' set which will set the DM muck to the URL given, allowing a preview of the release muck w/o performing any SCM muck.

And finally, and somewhat experimental ATM, there is a profile which can be flipped on optionally to ensure that no snapshots are defined and no plugin
version are undefined via:

mvn -Denforce=strict

This enables a SNAPSHOT version of the enforcer to run some rules to puke if things aren't savvy as desired. As soon as the latest maven- enforcer-plugin gets released I will most likely enable this by default, at least for the plugin version stuff, and the non-snapshot stuff for release preparation.

* * *

I've setup a test project to validate some of this muck here:


So far all tests seem to indicate that, at least my usage, works.

And now... its times to ask for feedback before I proceed further. From what I can tell this stuff works well, but I'm not sure if I have missed
anything.  So take a look, at ping me back please.



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