On Sep 10, 2008, at 4:02 PM, Donald Woods wrote:

I'd vote for going with 1a) over 1b) and 1c) is not an option in my mind. If someone ever does 1b) then great, but lets not hold up the samples over it.

Have you got the sample working using the directory plugin? I certainly didn't try.

The directory plugin needs to be updated for apacheds 1.5.4 (?) (at any rate there are lots of newer apacheds releases). Unless someone is hot to fix up the plugin right now I think (a) is the only realistic choice.

david jencks

BTW - Should we start a Genesis 1.5 vote, since Samples is currently using and needs the 1.5-SNAPSHOT level?


Joe Bohn wrote:
Two issues here that I hit while attempting to validate the LDAP sample and get it ready for release. 1) The directory plugin won't install on Geronimo 2.1.2. At the moment, one of the easiest ways to leverage the sample if you don't already have an external directory server is via the directory plugin. However, this plugin was last released for Geronimo 2.1. It fails to install on 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 due to dependencies on 2.1 artifacts. 2.1.2 was our latest target release for samples. With the inclusion of the alias entries it deploys fine in Geronimo 2.1.3. So I think we have the following options: a) Require an external directory server for the sample rather than using the directory plugin if installing on a Geronimo 2.1.2 server b) Release a new version of the directory plugin with dependencies on Geronimo 2.1.2 which would install in both 2.1.2 & 2.1.3
c) Push our samples support out from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3
d) other choices (such as creating a compatibility plugin for this on 2.1.2 and using that for a 2.1.2 install) or any other ideas? I personally hate c). We keep pushing samples to later releases ... but it does make sense that samples are most valuable for new users on the latest release so I see the logic. d) doesn't seem any better than creating a new version of the directory plugin for 2.1.2 (and it's more complicated for the user). a) isn't very user friendly either and doesn't help users with a need to run directory on Geronimo 2.1.2. - So all in all, I'm thinking b) makes the most sense given that it has broader use beyond just the sample. What are your thoughts? 2) While testing the sample I noticed the following error on the console. I couldn't tie it to any particular activity ... it seemed that the sample was working as expected. Any ideas?
15:06:18,110 ERROR [UnbindHandler] failed to unbind session properly
org .apache.directory.shared.ldap.exception.LdapNameNotFoundException: uid=admin,ou=system at org .apache .directory .server .core .partition .DefaultPartitionNexus.getPartition(DefaultPartitionNexus.java: 1114) at org .apache .directory .server .core .partition.DefaultPartitionNexus.unbind(DefaultPartitionNexus.java: 773) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:210) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org.apache.directory.server.core.interceptor.InterceptorChain$Entry $1.unbind(InterceptorChain.java:1412) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.BaseInterceptor.unbind(BaseInterceptor.java: 229) at org .apache .directory .server .core.interceptor.InterceptorChain.unbind(InterceptorChain.java: 794) at org .apache .directory .server .core.partition.PartitionNexusProxy.unbind(PartitionNexusProxy.java: 684) at org .apache .directory .server .core.partition.PartitionNexusProxy.unbind(PartitionNexusProxy.java: 701) at org .apache .directory .server .core.jndi.ServerLdapContext.ldapUnbind(ServerLdapContext.java: 210) at org .apache .directory .server .ldap.support.UnbindHandler.messageReceived(UnbindHandler.java: 58) at org .apache .mina .handler .demux.DemuxingIoHandler.messageReceived(DemuxingIoHandler.java: 141) at org.apache.directory.server.ldap.LdapProtocolProvider $LdapProtocolHandler.messageReceived(LdapProtocolProvider.java: 428) at org.apache.mina.common.support.AbstractIoFilterChain $TailFilter.messageReceived(AbstractIoFilterChain.java:570) at org .apache .mina .common .support .AbstractIoFilterChain .callNextMessageReceived(AbstractIoFilterChain.java:299) at org.apache.mina.common.support.AbstractIoFilterChain.access $1100(AbstractIoFilterChain.java:53) at org.apache.mina.common.support.AbstractIoFilterChain$EntryImpl $1.messageReceived(AbstractIoFilterChain.java:648) at org .apache .mina .filter .codec .support .SimpleProtocolDecoderOutput.flush(SimpleProtocolDecoderOutput.java: 58) at org .apache .mina .filter .codec.ProtocolCodecFilter.messageReceived(ProtocolCodecFilter.java: 176) at org .apache .mina .common .support .AbstractIoFilterChain .callNextMessageReceived(AbstractIoFilterChain.java:299) at org.apache.mina.common.support.AbstractIoFilterChain.access $1100(AbstractIoFilterChain.java:53) at org.apache.mina.common.support.AbstractIoFilterChain$EntryImpl $1.messageReceived(AbstractIoFilterChain.java:648) at org .apache .mina .filter.executor.ExecutorFilter.processEvent(ExecutorFilter.java: 220) at org.apache.mina.filter.executor.ExecutorFilter $ProcessEventsRunnable.run(ExecutorFilter.java:264) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor $Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:650) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor $Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:675) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:613)

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