Lin Sun wrote:
Joe, thanks for driving this!   I think it is okay to remove those if
we cannot find a better solution or just document that these are not
expected to work in our documentation.

Right ... I've been playing with some things here.
- Using a slightly modified version of what is checked in I can only get the xrefs & doc included if I build the samples individually. If I attempt a top level build it just creates a whole lot of the xref and javadoc parts and leaves them littered throughout the src tree. It doesn't create the top level index to facilitate navigation. - I also have a lot of local changes to remove all the special reporting entries (and the copy of javadocs/xrefs into the wars too) in the hopes of getting creating a standard maven site using the defaults set in genesis. We could then publish this site. The exercise has been good because it exposed a number of other legal file issues that I've fixed locally. However, I'm still not able to generate a top level site. I'm trying to understand the mvn site generation better so that I can get this working.

It probably makes sense to remove the xref and javadoc links from the sample UI anyway (or perhaps just direct them to one common maven site rather than include the specific content in the sample war). The links can't work for all of the samples anyway because some are just jsps with no java content (and hence there is no javadoc or xref generated).

I would be in favor of releasing samples too but we need to make sure
the samples all work with at least one particular version G server
(probably both 2.1.2 and 2.1.3).  Some of the samples may not work yet
like the javamail one?

I've verified all of the samples on both jetty & tomcat on both 2.1.2 and 2.1.3. This includes the javamail and directory sample (which which I've really only validated on 2.1.3 because I was using the directory plugin which cannot be installed on 2.1.2). They all work.

The biggest outstanding item after the site generation is getting the doc updated but we can create a release candidate and vote without the doc being complete. ... I've been dragging my feet on the doc (there's always something else to work on :-) ).

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Joe Bohn wrote:

- Most of the samples when run include a Geronimo header with links that
are supposed to take you to javadocs and xref for that sample.  These don't
work (and from what I see I'm not sure if they were ever fully functional).
 So these should probably be removed if I can't find a way to quickly
implement them.

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