Um... do you see any [install:install] goals being run?

My guess is that the preparation goals are set to clean verify or something, and should be clean install.


On Sep 30, 2008, at 1:07 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I've been trying to use the maven release process for samples.

The dryrun works fine and I've corrected all differences in the poms beyond the version and scm entries. However, when I attempt the release:prepare I hit the error below.

customer-ejb has already been processed but the jar only exists in the customer-ejb target (and not in my local maven repo). In fact, none of the already processed artifacts exist in my local maven repo at the time of the failure ... just in the local target directories for each artifact.

Any ideas what might be going wrong and how to fix it? My guess is a scope of provided might help but that doesn't seem to make logical sense as we want the ear to include the ejb jar.

BTW, this all builds and deploys fine for regular builds.

[INFO] [tools:verify-legal-files {execution: verify-legal-files}]
       [INFO] Checking legal files in: customer-war-2.1.2.war
       [INFO] Checking legal files in: customer-war-2.1.2-sources.jar
       [INFO] Checking legal files in: customer-war-2.1.2-javadoc.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       [INFO] Building Geronimo Samples :: customer :: EAR
       [INFO]    task-segment: [clean, verify]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       [INFO] [clean:clean]
[INFO] Deleting directory /Users/bohn/geronimo-samples-2.1/ samples/customer/customer-ear/target [INFO] Deleting directory /Users/bohn/geronimo-samples-2.1/ samples/customer/customer-ear/target/classes [INFO] Deleting directory /Users/bohn/geronimo-samples-2.1/ samples/customer/customer-ear/target/test-classes [INFO] Deleting directory /Users/bohn/geronimo-samples-2.1/ samples/customer/customer-ear/target/site
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

       1) org.apache.geronimo.samples:customer-ejb:ejb:2.1.2

     Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

     Then, install it using the command:
mvn install:install-file - DgroupId=org.apache.geronimo.samples -DartifactId=customer-ejb - Dversion=2.1.2 -Dpackaging=ejb -Dfile=/path/to/file

Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there: mvn deploy:deploy-file - DgroupId=org.apache.geronimo.samples -DartifactId=customer-ejb - Dversion=2.1.2 -Dpackaging=ejb -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] - DrepositoryId=[id]

     Path to dependency:
                1) org.apache.geronimo.samples:customer-ear:ear:2.1.2
                2) org.apache.geronimo.samples:customer-ejb:ejb:2.1.2

       1 required artifact is missing.

   for artifact:

   from the specified remote repositories: (,
apache.snapshots ( ), apache-snapshots ( ), codehaus-snapshots (http://, apache-incubator ( )

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