The fix would be to remove the links from the view (see <history> below
for details). Our current approach is to generate the maven site to
make the xref and javadoc available. They are a little hard to find ...
but they're there (you have to navigate through the site to get to the
specific sample-war or sample-ejb and then look in the reports for the
xref and javadoc reports).
I can make the update and generate a new release candidate without a lot
of trouble. I'd like to wait to see if other issues are found or if
there is a strong opinion that we should release with this minor issue.
Originally, there was some complicated processing in the samples to
build and include the javadoc and xrefs in the wars themselves. This
was all created without an eye toward releasing the samples. The
process required some special pom configuration (which was messing up
the maven site generation processing) as well as some special build
processing. For a user this was no problem. They would execute "mvn
site install" which would result in the javadoc/xref being created and
then later included in the war file via a copy into the src tree prior
to the package lifecycle phase. This wasn't workable with a maven
release process because it resulted in the local changes as you attempt
to release. I also wasn't sure how we could do the combined mvn install
and site generation which was required for this to work. So, as was
recently discussed on the dev list, we removed the javadoc and xref
links and generated a standard maven site. You found a link to the old
source that I missed.
Thanks for checking it out.
Kevan Miller wrote:
On Sep 29, 2008, at 10:44 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:
This a thread to discuss any issues as a result of the Geronimo
Samples 2.1.2 vote candidate.
The EJB 3.0 calculator sample (e.g. http://localhost:8080/calculator/)
contains pointers to two source files: and Neither is working.
Is this easily fixable? If so, we should fix.