There's a new MR for the jacc spec and one of the changes is related to something we've already tried to solve for dealing with the pluto console urls which sometimes have colons in them for instance when a jdbc url is in a query parameter in the url..

Here's the text of the spec change:

The name of the permission checked in a transport or pre-dispatch decision must be the unqualified request URI minus the context path. All colon characters
occurring within the name must be represented using escaped encoding1.

Here's our current code:

    static String encodeColons(HttpServletRequest request) {
String result = request.getServletPath() + (request.getPathInfo() == null ? "" : request.getPathInfo());

if (result.indexOf("%3A") > -1) result = result.replaceAll("%3A", "%3A%3A"); if (result.indexOf(":") > -1) result = result.replaceAll(":", "%3A");

        return result;

I think that we are being over-enthusiastic and should leave out the doubling of a pre-encoded colon:

    static String encodeColons(HttpServletRequest request) {
String result = request.getServletPath() + (request.getPathInfo() == null ? "" : request.getPathInfo());

if (result.indexOf(":") > -1) result = result.replaceAll(":", "%3A");

        return result;

Does this seem right?

david jencks

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