Thanks for looking into that, Kevan.  Was there any indicator of what caused
the crash?


On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 5:26 PM, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> FYI,
> The Xen domain tck08 on crashed yesterday.
> 'xm log' showed that the domain had indeed crashed and that the subsequent
> attempt to restart the domain had failed because the domain already existed.
> When I looked, 'xm list' did not show tck08 as a domain that could be
> controlled (start, shutdown, etc).
> I finally ended up running 'xm create /etc/xen/tck08.cfg'. This seems to
> have restarted the domain. I'm able to log in to tck08, and everything looks
> ok. So, hopefully it's back in service.
> --kevan

~Jason Warner

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