On Oct 10, 2008, at 11:29 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Oct 10, 2008, at 11:25 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Oct 8, 2008, at 11:56 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Oct 8, 2008, at 4:31 PM, Jason Warner wrote:

We had some suggestions earlier for some alternate means of implementing this (Hudson, Conitnuum, etc...). Now that we've had Jason Dillon provide an overview of what we had in place before, does anyone have thoughts on what we should go with? I'm thinking we should stick with the AHP based solution. It will need to be updated most likely, but it's been tried and tested and shown to meet our needs. I'm wondering, though, why we stopped using it before. Was there a specific issue we're going to have to deal with again?

IIRC, the overwhelming reason we stopped using it before was because of hosting issues -- spotty networking, hardware failures, poor colo support, etc. We shouldn't have any of these problems, now. If we do run into problems, they should now be fixable. I have no reason to favor Hudson/Continuum over AHP. So, if we can get AHP running easily, I'm all for it. There's only one potential issue, that I'm aware of.

We previously had an Open Source License issued for our use of Anthill. Here's some of the old discussion -- http://www.nabble.com/Geronimo-build-automation-status-(longish)-tt7649902.html#a7649902

Although the board was aware of our usage of AntHill, since we weren't running AntHill on ASF hardware, I'm not sure the license was fully vetted by Infra. I don't see any issues, but I'll want to run this by Infra.

Jason D, will the existing license cover the version of AntHill that we'll want to use? I'll run the license by Infra and will also describe the issue for review by the Board, in our quarterly report.

Heh. Oops. Just noticed that I sent the following to myself and not the dev list. I hate when I do that...

One more thing... from emails on [EMAIL PROTECTED] looks like Infra is cool with us running Anthill on selene and phoebe.

BTW, am planning on installing monitoring software over the weekend on selene and phoebe. The board is interested in monitoring our usage...

Also, we now have a new AntHill license for our use. I've placed the license in ~kevan/License2.txt on phoebe and selene. This license should only be used for Apache use. So, should not be placed in a public location (e.g. our public svn tree).

Regarding monitoring software -- I haven't been able to get it to work yet. vmstat/iostat don't work, unless you run on every virtual machine. 'xm top' gathers data on all domains, however, doesn't make the data easy to tuck away in a log file/available to snmp... Advice welcome...


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