I have two versions of the EJB Portlet with me. One with dojo 0.4.3
and another with Dojo 1.x. There are 2 possibilities on how to
integrate it.

1) Check in the portlet with dojo 0.4.3 support now as we do not ship
Dojo 1.1 with the default server assembly. Later migrate to Dojo 1.1
if we remove Dojo 0.4.3 and ship Dojo 1.1. This involves just changing
the jsp to another one that I have.

2) Include this as an optional console plugin that will also install dojo 1.1.

I am not sure how I would go ahead and create an optional console
plugin if #2 is the better. option. Mostly how do I package it and
where will it be distributed from. Are there any existing optional
console plugins that I can refer?

The other portlets seem to be installed by default with the
corressponding server. So I am leaning towards #1.


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