
You might also want to check out this old documentation we have -

I think it would be great to figure out how to run latest geronimo as
a windows service and provide an updated/new documentation for it in
our users doc.



On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:15 AM, Jack Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I learnt that some of our users are interested in running Geronimo as a
> Windows service. Although there is already an option provided by the Java
> Service Wrapper, they are more interested in seeing something similar to
> what is provided by Tomcat. I searched the mail achive and found this old
> discussion [1], which didn't reach a decision. Provided that we can easily
> take the technology from Tomcat [2], I'm keen to implement this for
> Geronimo. The advantage of using Apache Commons procrun is that -
> 1. Out-of-box experience, no need to download and install a third party
> component;
> 2. Tray icon that further improves usability.
> Eventually we would think to provide this "run as a service" capability for
> Linux/Unix platforms, but Windows would be a good start. What do others
> think? I'd volunteer to do this job if you think it's worth doing.
> -Jack Cai
> [1] http://www.nabble.com/forum/ViewPost.jtp?post=591936&framed=y&skin=134
> [2] http://commons.apache.org/daemon/procrun.html

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