Agree.  -1 to delaying the 2.1.4 server release for these changes.

Also seems that we would need to update Genesis first (maybe the 2.0 code in trunk), which would setup the new nexus config for the other projects...


Joe Bohn wrote:

- How would this affect our upcoming releases of javamail spec, javamail provider, txmanager, and the Geronimo 2.1.4 server? Some of these utilize the maven release process and other do not.
- What are the potential gotchas when making this conversion?
- How would this affect our plugin installation given that they reference people.apache and such? I suspect there might be some work necessary here. - How about custom server assemblies - any potential impacts related to plugins again?

I've also seen comments that indicate that there might be issues with artifacts from private repositories (such as we have for our private builds of pluto, tomcat, etc...) and external repositories (like our dependencies) that require special handling. Are there potential problems lurking there?

It could be there is really nothing here to worry about but I really don't know enough about the changes necessary for Nexus to say one way or the other and I tend to get risk adverse as we get closer to a release. Perhaps we should wait until after we release Geronimo 2.1.4 to make this change.

I have to vote -1 until these questions can be answered and there is some degree of certainty that this won't hinder the 2.1.4 release or the plugin install & custom assembly user experience.


David Jencks wrote:

On Feb 17, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Donald Woods wrote:

Would this be just for trunk or would it also include the upcoming 2.1.4 release?

What about devtools, specs, components, daytrader and gshell?

I think it would be for everything we release to a maven repo including xbean, gshell, components, specs, daytrader, plugins, server, and everything else I forgot about.

I guess devtools might be different.... I'm not sure if that is released to a maven repo or to somewhere else??... but if to a maven repo then it should use nexus.

david jencks


David Jencks wrote:
Last week I noted that there's an apache nexus installation that we can use for staging and deployment...
They suggest a vote on this, so here goes.
Lets ask sonatype/infra to move geronimo to using nexus for deployment.
+1.... about time already
+0.... needs more thought
-1... I prefer doing things the hard way :-D
Vote open for 72 hours.
david jencks

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