I have done the below steps, application works with ldap realm. Can anyone
confirm these steps are correct?

1. create ldap realm and deploy, goto admin console->repository->click
deployed ldap realm to see the dependency to be added to geronimo plan file
2. Unpack ear file, goto META-INF directory, create geronimo-application.xml
plan file
3. Add <security-realm-name>corp-ldap</security-realm-name> right below
<context-root>/SuperSnoopWeb</context-root> in geronimo-application.xml
4. Add <security> .... </security> in geronimo-application.xml
5. Add <security-role> to META-INF/application.xml
6. Unpack war file, add <security-constraint>, <login-config>,
<security-role> to web.xml, If ear has more than one war file, do the same.
7. Package war file(s)
8. package ear file
9. deploy ear file
./deploy.sh deploy
Using GERONIMO_BASE: /global/WebSphereCE
Using GERONIMO_HOME: /global/WebSphereCE
Using GERONIMO_TMPDIR: var/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /opt/ibm/java2-i386-50/jre
Username: system
Password: *******
Deployed SuperSnoop/SuperSnoopEAR/1.0/car
`-> SuperSnoopWeb.war @ /SuperSnoopWeb


govinda wrote:
> Thanks David. I'm able to deploy the ear file by adding dependency in
> geronimo-application.xml, how do I protect resource (/SuperSnoopWeb)?
> deployer does not accept <security-constraint> element in application.xml
> Dependency:
>         <sys:environment>
>                 <sys:moduleId>
>                         <sys:groupId>SuperSnoop</sys:groupId>
>                         <sys:artifactId>SuperSnoopEAR</sys:artifactId>
>                         <sys:version>1.0</sys:version>
>                         <sys:type>car</sys:type>
>                 </sys:moduleId>
>                 <dependencies>
>                         <dependency>
>                                 <groupId>console.realm</groupId>
>                                 <artifactId>corp-ldap</artifactId>
>                                 <version>1.0</version>
>                                 <type>car</type>
>                         </dependency>
>                 </dependencies>
>         </sys:environment>
> djencks wrote:
>> I don't see anything obviously wrong with your xml.  Is  there any  
>> more information with the error such as a stack trace or the name of  
>> the class that can't be loaded?
>> thanks
>> david jencks
>> On Mar 25, 2009, at 10:05 PM, govinda wrote:
>>> I tried to deploy ear file that has single war file and I receive the
>>> following error, my geronimo-application.xml has ldap realm.
>>> I have server-wide ldap realm created, deployed war and tested ldap
>>> security, its working but I could not deploy ear file. Am I missing  
>>> any
>>> security mapping?
>>> server001:/global/WebSphereCE/bin # ./deploy.sh deploy SuperSnoop.ear
>>> geronimo-application.xml
>>> Using GERONIMO_BASE: /global/WebSphereCE
>>> Using GERONIMO_HOME: /global/WebSphereCE
>>> Using GERONIMO_TMPDIR: var/temp
>>> Using JRE_HOME: /opt/ibm/java2-i386-50/jre
>>> Username: system
>>> Password: *******
>>> Error: Operation failed: load of SuperSnoop/SuperSnoopEAR/1.0/car
>>> failed
>>> Error starting configuration gbean SuperSnoop/SuperSnoopEAR/1.0/car
>>> Configuration gbean failed to start
>>> SuperSnoop/SuperSnoopEAR/1.0/car
>>> reason: Class not loadable in classloader:
>>> [org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.MultiParentClassLoader
>>> id=SuperSnoop/SuperSnoopEAR/1.0/car]
>>> geronimo-application.xml:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <application
>>> xmlns="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/j2ee/application-2.0 
>>> "
>>> xmlns:sys="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/deployment-1.2";
>>> application-name="SuperSnoop">
>>> <sys:environment>
>>> <sys:moduleId>
>>> <sys:groupId>SuperSnoop</sys:groupId>
>>> <sys:artifactId>SuperSnoopEAR</sys:artifactId>
>>> <sys:version>1.0</sys:version>
>>> <sys:type>car</sys:type>
>>> </sys:moduleId>
>>> </sys:environment>
>>> <module>
>>> <web>SuperSnoopWeb.war</web>
>>> <web-app xmlns="http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/j2ee/web-2.0.1"; >
>>> <sys:environment>
>>> <sys:moduleId>
>>> <sys:groupId>SuperSnoop</sys:groupId>
>>> <sys:artifactId>SuperSnoopWEB</sys:artifactId>
>>> <sys:version>1.0</sys:version>
>>> <sys:type>war</sys:type>
>>> </sys:moduleId>
>>> </sys:environment>
>>> <context-root>/SuperSnoopWeb</context-root>
>>> <security-realm-name>corp-ldap</security-realm-name>
>>> </web-app>
>>> </module>
>>> <security>
>>> <default-principal realm-name="corp-ldap">
>>> <principal name="nobody"
>>> class 
>>> = 
>>> "org.apache.geronimo.security.realm.providers.GeronimoUserPrincipal"/>
>>> </default-principal>
>>> <role-mappings>
>>> <role role-name="admin">
>>> <realm realm-name="corp-ldap">
>>> <principal name="adminstrators"
>>> class 
>>> = 
>>> "org 
>>> .apache.geronimo.security.realm.providers.GeronimoGroupPrincipal"/>
>>> <principal name="admin"
>>> class 
>>> = 
>>> "org.apache.geronimo.security.realm.providers.GeronimoUserPrincipal"/>
>>> </realm>
>>> </role>
>>> </role-mappings>
>>> </security>
>>> </application>
>>> META-INF/application.xml:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
>>> Application 1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd 
>>> ">
>>> <application id="Application_ID">
>>> <display-name>SuperSnoop</display-name>
>>> <module id="WebModule_1049985603917">
>>> <web>
>>> <web-uri>SuperSnoopWeb.war</web-uri>
>>> <context-root>SuperSnoopWeb</context-root>
>>> </web>
>>> </module>
>>> <security-role>
>>> <role-name>admin</role-name>
>>> </security-role>
>>> </application>
>>> -- 
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Deploying-ear-file-with-ldap-realm---geronimo-2.1.x-tp22711096s134p22711096.html
>>> Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Dev mailing list archive at  
>>> Nabble.com.

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Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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