On Apr 20, 2009, at 4:10 PM, ApacheCon 2009 US Planners Team wrote:

To all ASF PMCs;

just your friendly reminder to please respond to the Planners by this
coming Thursday (the 23rd) if your project would like to be highlighted,
and to help organize its own content for this coming ApacheCon US in
Oakland, November 2nd-6th!

We want to help you organize the possible content for your program,
and we must begin organizing the remaining program schedule in this
coming week, so a prompt response is really necessary.  We extended
the deadline by two days to ensure all PMCs have a fair chance to
consider this invitation.

Remember that all the planning team needs this Thursday, is an expression of interest, and estimated number of 1/2 or full days in order to 'slot' the various topics into tracks. Your mentor will follow up to coordinate the actual scheduling process, so that the final schedule can be assembled
and we can open registration and marketing!

Finally, we've had a few questions come across;

Q. "I assume this also applies to the PPMCs of incubating projects -
  if yes, note that the pmc@ alias does not reach them, AFAIK."

A. We encourage the Incubator PMC to shepard any podlings that are
  interested in participating, perhaps by organizing a fastfeather
  style track or meetups of their more mature podlings.  The same
  would be true for interest from subprojects, not every single
  technology under a PMC needs to be highlighted.  It's a PMC call.

Q. Just to be 100% clear, does this mean that the PMC has the flexibility to propose content that was not originally submitted as part of the CFP and/or propose modified versions of content that was submitted as part
  of the CFP?

A. Yes, both. This format of PMC-driven content allows the PMC to better focus any proposed accepted or rejected sessions and any forgotten topics
  to suit their community of users!  You'll be able to work with the
  original proposers to ensure this content is most relevant today.

Please continue to raise any questions to the Planners, we are happy to
answer them all!

your ApacheCon US 2009 Planners Team

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