Also, would it be possible to get it working by specify a version range, like:



On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Lin Sun<> wrote:
> Interesting prob...  I wonder if you add the split-package (see
> when you export the jta packages would
> solve the prob for you.   This is what I have been using but I only
> tried Equinox so far.
> Export-Package = \
>        javax.transaction;version=1.1;-split-package:=first, \
>        javax.transaction.xa;version=1.1;-split-package:=first
> Lin
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Jarek Gawor<> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I'm experimenting with JPA (OpenJPA specifically) in osgi environment
>> and I ran into an interesting issue with the transaction API. The root
>> of the problem is that the JDK provides a *subset* of the
>> javax.transaction classes that the JTA specification defines. And that
>> creates problems (i.e. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError) at runtime
>> depending on which bundle is used to wire in the transaction packages.
>> The JVM transaction packages are exported via the system bundle (just
>> like any other JVM package). On Felix, the JVM packages are exported
>> with the version of the JVM you are running on (e.g. if you are
>> running Java 5, the version attribute is set to 1.5.0). Our JTA spec
>> bundle (geronimo-jta_1.1_spec-1.1.1.jar) exports the transaction API
>> with version 1.1.0.
>> Now, openjpa has the following javax.transaction imports:
>> javax.transaction;version="1.1", javax.transaction.xa;version="1.1".
>> On Felix, the container wires these imports using the system bundle
>> since the system bundle exports these packages with higher version
>> then the JTA bundle and that creates the NoClassDefFoundError
>> problems. So, one would think that updating the version in our JTA
>> spec bundle to something higher then 1.5 or 1.6 should work. And I
>> think that should work but it doesn't seem to be working right on
>> Felix. I don't know if this is a bug or if I'm just missing something
>> or doing things wrong. When I install the openjpa bundle for the first
>> time, its transaction imports get wired to our JTA bundle. But once I
>> restart Felix, the openjpa transaction imports are wired to the system
>> bundle.... maybe somebody knows what's going on here?
>> Interestingly enough, Equinox exposes the JVM packages with version
>> 0.0.0 and so I don't run into these NoClassDefFoundError errors there.
>> One thing that worked for me reliably is when I updated the JTA spec
>> bundle to be a fragment bundle (attaching itself to the system
>> bundle). That way, the missing transaction classes can be loaded
>> through the system bundle classloader. So, I'm wondering if we should
>> turn the JTA spec bundle into a fragment bundle (just manifest
>> updates) to deal with this problem?
>> Jarek

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